Website Development Services.
Wujudkan website intuitif dan interaktif melalui jasa pembuatan website profesional yang sesuai dengan cakupan bisnis Anda. Layanan ini memaksimalkan web bisnis dengan fitur eksklusif penunjang pengalaman pengguna yang nyaman.
Company Profile.
Landing page.
News Portal.
Interested in using our website services?
Exclusive Website Personalization for Digital Business Needs.
Aligned with our competence and latest technology, our Studio helps brands to reach impactful business growth.
SEO Friendly.
Developed according to SEO and Google guidelines for accurate optimization.
Responsive Design.
Exclusive design planned to suit client's business for precise purpose.
Latest and Updated Technology.
Using dynamic technology updates to adapt to every kind of demand.
Light-weight Clean Code Development.
Strive to develop systems with minimal code to increase access speed.
Our Previous Collaboration with Entrusted Brands.
Sekawan Studio has been trusted by various companies to help their business grow.
Have any questions? Check here.
We’ve collected the frequently asked questions below to help you get the answers you need regarding our service.
Berapa harga jasa pembuatan website?
The cost of developing a website ranges from Rp9.000.000 to over Rp31.000.000, depending on the extent of customization and specific requirements.
How long does it take to create a website?
The fastest time for a website development takes 2 to 3 weeks, for maximum working time depends on the needs and scope of work.
Does website development already include a domain name?
Website development already includes domain name and hosting, but if you already have a domain, we can still work on creating your website.
Apakah ada layanan lain selain pembuatan website?
Aside from website development, we provide other website-related services such as maintenance website, design website, and SEO service.
Apakah ada biaya tambahan di luar paket jasa buat website?
Additional fees will only be charged if you purchase additional plugin, language interpreter, and domain upgrade to support website performance.
What needs to be prepared regarding website development service?
You need to prepare a company brief that contains an explanation regarding the company, also image & video assets for the website's content. We will help you during the process!
How is the payment system for a website development?
The payment system for developing a website is One Time Fee, which can be paid up front, or 50% at the beginning and 50% at the end. There is also a server and domain rental fee for every year.
Optimizing Business in the Digital Era: The Crucial Secret of Leveraging Website Presence
The development of websites is currently popular among many individuals, especially for business owners aiming to upgrade their digitalization. Undoubtedly, a website is a crucial asset for any business, particularly in this digital age. The majority of business consumers in any field prefer the convenience of transacting or simply seeking information through gadgets.
The Importance of Website
In this digital era, a website has become a mandatory tool for all businesses. Without a website, the progress of your business might be slower. In today's age, all business information can be accessed through the internet. According to a survey by We Are Social, more than 200 million or approximately 77% of the population in Indonesia are active internet users. Therefore, it is time to enhance the visibility of your business on the internet to reach a broader market.
Before discussing the importance of a website, let's position ourselves as consumers first. For instance, when searching for a product on the internet, you would choose a trustworthy brand with a professional website, right? Yes, an appealing website can be considered an indication of a brand's professionalism. The better your site, the more trust consumers will have in that brand. This, of course, significantly impacts your business's conversion rate.
Not only products but businesses offering services will also greatly benefit from having a professional website. Moreover, the majority of customers will likely search for services on the internet first before going around the city to find the needed service providers. Therefore, there is no doubt that a website is a crucial component of any business. Ensure to create a professional website to attract more potential customers.
Professional Web Development Service
Jika bisnis Anda belum mempunyai situs web, Anda tak perlu susah payah untuk membuatnya sendiri. Sekarang, sudah banyak tersedia agency jasa bikin a website murah dan berkualitas yang dapat Anda gunakan. Jasa membuat a website tersebut akan membantu Anda dalam pembuatan situs web yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Biasanya, penyedia jasa buat a website akan melakukan meeting dengan calon client untuk konsultasi dan mengetahui kebutuhan dan keinginan bisnis pelanggan. Setelah itu, jasa buat a website akan merancang konsep sesuai dengan hasil konsultasi tersebut, mulai dari desain web, hingga struktur halamannya. Jika Anda menyetujuinya, maka penyedia jasa bikin a website akan langsung mengeksekusinya dalam waktu yang disepakati.
Sebelum diluncurkan, penyedia jasa a website akan melakukan quality control and user acceptance test terlebih dahulu. Hal-hal yang perlu diuji adalah fungsionalitas, kompatibilitas, dan juga keamanannya. Jika sudah lulus uji, maka akan dilakukan serah terima lengkap dengan manual book and mini training terkait cara pengoperasian a website.
Proses tersebut harus dilakukan dengan detail dan teliti, sehingga dapat mempengaruhi fungsi dan estetika situs tersebut. Maka dari itu, penting untuk memilih penyedia jasa a website terbaik dan terpercaya.
If you are looking for recommendations for the best website development service, Sekawan Studio is the solution you are looking for. Our team consists of experts who are capable and professional in their respective fields, from designers and developers to SEO specialists.
Types of Business Websites
So, what types of business websites can we handle? We can create websites for you in all industries and various functions.
1. Company Profile
A company profile website aims to introduce the company's profile to readers as potential customers. This website typically contains concise information about the company. The presence of this site aims to effectively introduce and highlight the business to customers. With a company profile website, your company will find it easier to interact with clients, leaving a positive impression.
2. Toko Online
It's no secret that an online store or e-commerce is a crucial platform for selling products. If your business involves selling products, this type of website will be very helpful. With an online store, you can reach a broader audience than usual, as buyers located far from your location can access products through the e-commerce website.
3. Portal Berita
This page serves as a provider of news or information about current events. As the name suggests, this website aims to present the latest news that is currently being talked about. Therefore, this type of website is suitable for those in the field of journalism.
4. Pemerintahan
Our website development services can also be used for government needs. Government websites usually contain information that connects the government to the public for easy access to information and communication.
5. Education
Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan jasa bikin a website untuk keperluan pendidikan. Situs web ini dapat digunakan untuk berbagai macam instansi pendidikan, seperti sekolah, universitas, pesantren, lembaga, yayasan, dan lain sebagainya. Dengan adanya situs ini, instansi Anda akan lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. Tak heran, karena pada zaman ini semua informasi pendidikan dapat diakses secara online. Website jenis ini biasanya juga digunakan untuk kegiatan belajar mengajar.
6. Travel
Situs web untuk kebutuhan travel biasanya berisi tentang informasi-informasi perjalanan. Selain itu, a website ini biasanya juga menyediakan fitur pemesanan tiket online, mulai dari transportasi hingga akomodasi. Oleh karena itu, gunakan jasa pembuatan website Indonesia dari kami untuk bisnis travel Anda!
7. Restoran
Websites for restaurants usually contain information about the menu. Have you ever searched for a menu before visiting a restaurant? With a website, customers will find it easier to access your restaurant's menu. If you have a restaurant or food store, Sekawan Studio is the best website development service provider for your needs. We will create an eye-catching website that has the potential to attract new customers.
8. Industri Lainnya
Apart from the above needs, we can create websites for various purposes. Therefore, no matter what your business is, feel free to entrust your website to us! You can consult directly with us to find a website suitable for your business field.
Keunggulan Jasa Pembuatan Website WordPress di Sekawan Studio
After reading the above information, you may wonder, "What makes me trust Sekawan Studio?" Rest assured, we have outlined subtopics that will answer this question.
1. SEO Friendly
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial component to consider in website development. SEO is a digital marketing technique that optimizes websites to achieve a high rank on search engines. This technique adheres to various rules and regulations tailored to search engine algorithms like Google. In short, SEO helps your website be easily found by internet users.
For example, have you ever typed a keyword into Google search? The sites that appear on the first page of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) are undoubtedly compliant with SEO rules, making them easy to find and achieving a high rank.
2. Personalisasi Website
Our website development services can be personalized according to your needs. Personalizing a website aims to create the best User Experience (UX) for users. This personalization can be adjusted to the demographics and behavior of the target market. With this advantage, your business website will provide relevant recommendations to potential customers. Moreover, customers will enjoy spending time exploring all the information and promotions offered on the site.
3. Responsive Design
The layout design of a website can affect visitor comfort. Responsive design is when the page layout adjusts to the user's device with different sizes. In other words, the design adapts to various devices, making it accessible and visually pleasing. If you are looking for affordable website development with responsive design, Sekawan Studio can achieve it.
4. Pembayaran Mudah dan Murah
We provide affordable website development services for you. Starting from just 9 million, you will receive a lightweight website with a responsive design, equipped with advanced and attractive features.
With this affordable price, you will also receive a free bonus of hosting and domain for one year. Not only that, our payment system uses a one-time fee structure that won't confuse you. In other words, you can pay upfront or in two installments, with 50% upfront and the remaining 50% at the end. However, keep in mind that you will need to renew server and domain rental if it exceeds one year.
5. Proses Lebih Cepat
Eager to launch your business website quickly? Rest assured, we will promptly process your request so that the website can be used soon. We only need 2 to 3 weeks to create a website for your company.
However, it's essential to emphasize that the timeframe will be adjusted based on the number of requests and the needs of your company. Therefore, use our affordable, easy, and fast website development services from Sekawan Studio. The sooner you contact us, the sooner your website can be launched.
6. Telah Dipercaya Banyak Brand
Masih ragu dengan jasa buat a website kami? Perlu Anda ketahui, sudah banyak perusahaan yang mempercayakan several brands-nya kepada kami loh, mulai dari situs web Company Profile, Landing Page, hingga toko online. Artinya, Sekawan Studio sudah terpercaya dan memiliki banyak pengalaman.
Entrust Your Website Development to Sekawan Studio!
From the explanations above, it's clear that Sekawan Studio's website development services are the right solution for your website digitalization needs. Don't wait any longer; now is the perfect time to use a website as a marketing strategy for your products or services.
Is the information we provided clear and comprehensive? Or do you have other unanswered questions? Feel free to contact us for more information. Schedule a consultation with us to receive an offer tailored to your needs!