Jasa SEO Profesional.

Tingkatkan ranking situs website Anda dengan jasa SEO Indonesia untuk menjangkau target pasar potensial. Wujudkan website optimal yang sesuai dengan algoritma mesin pencari google.

Jasa Seo Sekawan Studio

Reach Significant Traffic for Business Website.

Increase Website Visits.

Traffic projection to predict website visit helps SEO strategy planning for the execution to reach target accurately.

Reach Wider Potential Target Market .

Accurate keywords application for website gives opportunity to come up on Google page search and potentially reach wider target market.

Raise Website Ranking.

With SEO strategy optimization, website ranking can be increased organically.

Increase Business Conversion.

Commonly searched keywords by users can increase incoming leads and become business conversion.

SEO Service Pricing.

Paket jasa SEO terbaik mendukung performa dan menjadikan website Anda lebih unggul.

SEO Services
Traffic Projection
Customer Journey
Competitive Landscape
Keyword Research
Content Strategy & Recommendation
Regular Report & Analysis
Content & Editorial Calendar
Bilingual Website
Content Writing
Word Count & Article
750 & 20
1000 & 20
Page Title
Meta Description
Heading Structure
Search Snippet Enablement
Anchor Text
Content & Editorial Calendar


Suitable for business with fewer website pages.

Rp 5 mio. / month

Development Process

Traffic Projection
Customer Journey
Competitive Landscape
Keyword Research
Content Strategy & Recommendation
Regular Report & Analysis
Content & Editorial Calendar
Bilingual Website


Word Count & Article
750 & 20
1000 & 20
Page Title
Meta Description
Heading Structure
Search Snippet Enablement
Anchor Text
Content & Editorial Calendar

Read more


Suitable for business with a lot of website pages.

Rp 7.5 mio./month

Development Process

Traffic Projection
Customer Journey
Competitive Landscape
Keyword Research
Content Strategy & Recommendation
Regular Report & Analysis
Content & Editorial Calendar
Bilingual Website


Word Count & Article
750 & 20
1000 & 20
Page Title
Meta Description
Heading Structure
Search Snippet Enablement
Anchor Text
Content & Editorial Calendar

Read more


Suitable for business with a lot of page adjustments.

Rp 10 mio. / month

Development Process

Traffic Projection
Customer Journey
Competitive Landscape
Keyword Research
Content Strategy & Recommendation
Regular Report & Analysis
Content & Editorial Calendar
Bilingual Website


Word Count & Article
750 & 20
1000 & 20
Page Title
Meta Description
Heading Structure
Search Snippet Enablement
Anchor Text
Content & Editorial Calendar

Read more

Does the package pricing not meet your business’ needs?

Effective SEO Strategies for Competitive Business Websites.

Aligned with our competence and latest technology, our Studio helps brands to reach impactful business growth.

Our Previous Collaboration with Entrusted Brands.

Sekawan Studio has been trusted by various companies to help their business grow.

Telkom Indonesia
Aumireta Anggun
Logo Pt. Wira Griya
Manajemen Feb - Univertsitas Brawijaya
Ayam Goreng Nelongso
Social Economic Accelerator Lab
Logo Client Adimas
Sekawan Media

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biaya layanan SEO di Sekawan Studio yaitu mulai dari Rp5.000.000 hingga mencapai di atas Rp10.000.000 apabila terdapat banyak kebutuhan dan penyesuaian.

Waktu berlangganan jasa optimasi website di Sekawan Studio website minimal selama satu tahun.

Additional fees will only be charged if you purchase additional service outside of the initial package.

Untuk jasa optimasi seo website, Anda perlu mempersiapkan informasi terkait bisnis Anda, seperti : profil, produk barang atau jasa, fasilitas, hingga informasi pendukung lainnya. 

Sistem pembayaran paket layanan SEO adalah monthly fee dengan subscribe minimal satu tahun.

Article writing is already included in the Lite and Plus package from our SEO service. For those who want to subscribe to our Mini package, there is no article writing service.

SEO Services: Powerful Strategies Expand Business Reach to Boost Conversions

The development of the digital world has influenced consumer behavior in choosing and purchasing a product or service. Before the internet, people tended to prefer offline shopping and make purchase decisions on the spot.

This behavior has now shifted; the emergence of the internet has led people to seek product or service information online first before deciding to make a purchase. This is evidenced by data from the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2022, which states that approximately 20.53% of Indonesians access the internet to obtain product information

Moreover, many people now engage in online shopping. According to the We Are Social report, the number of Indonesians shopping online has increased year by year. Throughout 2022 to early 2023, online shopping in Indonesia increased by 12.8%. This fact urges all sectors of the industry to compete online, especially on search engines, to be more easily found by consumers.

Dari sini, lahirlah jasa optimasi SEO yang bisa membantu berbagai industri untuk tampil secara maksimal di search engine.

The Importance of SEO in the Digital World

The evolution of the digital landscape in recent years has made the online presence of businesses essential. This can be achieved by using SEO, a strategy that has proven to be effective in marketing.

SEO is a strategy used to improve the online presence of a website on search engines, especially Google. This strategy is crucial because search engines contribute 300% more traffic than social media.

Now, to get the right SEO strategy, you can use the best and quality SEO services from Sekawan Studio. But before that, let's understand why SEO is important. Here is the explanation:

1. Meningkatkan Ranking and Traffic Website

SEO strategies can enhance the performance of a website to appear on the search engine results page (SERP). With the right strategy, a website can rank on the first page of Google and attract many organic searches.

Websites on the first page or even ranking 1 in SERP have a great potential to get clicks and traffic. Data shows that 67% of internet users click on websites ranked 1-5 on the SERP.

2. Meningkatkan Kepercayaan dan Kredibilitas

SEO practices can improve the overall performance of a website, increasing the trust search engines have in your site. As a result, the search engine will display your website in search results.

The more often a website appears in SERP, the higher the brand awareness. This has an impact on the credibility of the business and the trust of customers. Websites frequently appearing in SERP create a perception that the products, brand, and the website itself are trustworthy and credible.

3. Memberikan Hasil Jangka Panjang

The market and search engines are always changing, demanding businesses to adapt to these dynamic conditions. SEO practices always follow the latest developments and guidelines from search engines to remain relevant and achieve maximum results.

Although these results cannot be obtained quickly, SEO practices have a positive impact on your business in the long run. The success of SEO strategies makes your website stay in SERP for a long time, meaning you will continue to get organic traffic from potential customers and potentially attract new customers.

4. Mudah Diukur

SEO is important for the growth of your business because this strategy is easily measurable using various analysis tools that are now widely available. However, measuring the success of SEO strategies is not as easy as calculating the ROI in paid advertising.

Evaluating SEO strategies requires strong analytical skills to identify issues and find solutions. This activity will be much easier if you entrust it to the reliable SEO services of Sekawan Studio.

5. Membantu Memahami Kebutuhan Pelanggan

SEO can help you understand the desires and needs of potential customers. Various SEO tools provide data that can be used as a reference to understand customer behavior.

6. Budget Lebih Efektif

Compared to paid social media or other marketing channels, SEO does not require too much budget. You don't need to pay a fee to buy a place on the first page of SERP. In paid channels, you have to pay for a 'space' for your ad or content to be seen by customers. In SEO, what needs to be done is optimizing the website and focusing on producing high-quality content.

7. Memperluas Jangkauan Bisnis

Practicing SEO by optimizing website performance and creating high-quality content based on search intent can increase online presence and reach more potential customers. In other words, SEO not only helps you get rankings on search engines but also expands the business reach.

However, it is important to note that this can be achieved if you implement the right SEO strategy. As a professional SEO service provider, Sekawan Studio will help you overcome this.

8. Meningkatkan Potensi Konversi

Occupying the top rankings in SERP indicates that your business is trustworthy and credible, thus reducing user doubts in using your products or services. Therefore, utilize affordable SEO services with a guaranteed Google page 1 ranking to ensure that your website receives high traffic and conversions.


In digital marketing, there are various strategies you can use, including SEM and SEO. SEM or Search Engine Marketing is a marketing strategy that combines paid advertising with SEO.

Simply put, SEM is done by paying a certain fee to make content containing specific keywords appear at the top of SERP during the campaign period. Later, the search engine will display the content at the top of SERP with the label "ads" during the campaign period. After the campaign is over, the ad content will no longer be displayed in search results.

This strategy is different from SEO. In SEO, you don't need to pay a single penny to get a ranking on SERP. However, as a consequence, you have to create quality content with keywords that match the search intent. If your content successfully ranks in SERP, it will continue to be displayed in search results for a long time.

Layanan SEO Services dari Sekawan Studio

Sekawan Studio adalah website specialist yang berkomitmen untuk memberikan berbagai layanan, salah satunya yaitu jasa SEO. Kami bisa menangani berbagai jenis a website profesional, mulai dari instansi pemerintah hingga e-commerce. Saat ini, Sekawan Studio telah berhasil menangani lebih dari 150+ proyek dan telah dipercaya oleh berbagai several brands ternama. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa kami merupakan perusahaan penyedia jasa SEO terbaik di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, Anda tak perlu ragu untuk menggunakan jasa kami.

Whatever your needs are, let us know, and let's discuss further to find the right solution. So, what are the best SEO services offered by Sekawan Studio? Here are some of its services:

1. Technical SEO

We not only act as SEO consultants in Indonesia, but our team will also dive in to handle all your SEO issues. Our SEO services provide technical SEO services that will help you optimize your website technically.

This strategy includes link building, schema markup, sitemap creation, canonicalization, and ensuring that your website can be indexed by Google.

2. Monthly Content Editorial

Selain dari segi teknikal, jasa SEO website kami juga mencakup monthly content editor. Layanan ini mencakup rencana editorial konten dan pembuatan artikel sesuai dengan niche perusahaan Anda, sehingga konten yang disajikan bisa menyasar target yang tepat.

3. Copywriting

Furthermore, our SEO services are equipped with SEO copywriting services. Through this service, our team will help transform your website pages to be more attractive and grab the attention of potential customers. SEO copywriting is also part of our blog optimization services that can increase online presence in search results, making it easier for customers to find your business and products on the internet.

4. Server Monitoring

Sekawan Studio menyediakan jasa optimasi SEO dengan layanan terlengkap karena kami juga akan membantu Anda untuk melakukan monitoring server. Layanan ini mencakup pemeriksaan kondisi a website secara keseluruhan. Kami akan memeriksa semua masalah, kendala, keamanan, dan kesehatan a website secara berkala agar a website Anda bisa bekerja secara optimal.

5. Page Experiences

Selain meningkatkan ranking di SERP, fokus utama dari strategi SEO adalah meningkatkan User Experience untuk menarik lebih banyak pengunjung. Dalam jasa SEO Indonesia, hal ini akan diwujudkan melalui upaya peningkatan page experience dengan memastikan bahwa a website Anda sudah mobile friendly. Di sisi lain, kami juga akan memantau dan memastikan a website Anda memiliki page speed yang cepat agar lebih mudah diakses oleh pengguna.

6. Keyword Performances Monitoring

Jasa SEO kami mencakup layanan riset keyword sesuai dengan niche perusahaan dan search intent, sehingga kata kunci yang kami gunakan bisa menyasar pelanggan yang tepat.

This means we consistently monitor the development and performance of keywords used, whether for product pages or business service keywords.

7. Monthly Report

Saat menggunakan jasa SEO Sekawan Studio, Anda tak perlu khawatir dengan perkembangan a website Anda. Sebab, kami akan selalu melaporkannya pada Anda setiap bulan. Melalui monthly report ini, Anda bisa turut memantau bagaimana pertumbuhan a website setelah menggunakan layanan SEO dari kami. Selain beberapa layanan di atas, Sekawan Studio juga menyediakan berbagai jasa lainnya, di antaranya yaitu jasa pembuatan website, jasa design website, dan jasa pemeliharaan the website.

Mengapa Harus Pilih Layanan SEO Sekawan Studio?

The right SEO tactics will elevate your business to a higher level, so it's important to be cautious when entrusting your SEO strategy to others. In this regard, you need to choose SEO services with a guaranteed first-page ranking to achieve optimal results.

Sekawan Studio is a trustworthy provider of Google SEO services that will help you achieve optimal online presence through various services we offer.

If you're still unsure about choosing Sekawan Studio, here are some reasons why our organic SEO services are suitable for your business.

1. Harga Murah dan Bervariasi

Jika menggunakan jasa optimasi a website dari kami, Anda tak perlu khawatir soal harga atau biaya yang harus dikeluarkan. Kami telah menyediakan berbagai paket layanan yang bisa Anda sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.

We offer three main packages, including the mini package, lite package, and plus package, each with different prices. Moreover, you can also negotiate prices with our team to get the best offer.

2. Ditangani Profesional

You don't need to hesitate to use our monthly SEO services because our team consists of professionals who are experts in their field. Your website will be directly handled by our expert team for analysis, identification, and finding the right solutions for its management.

3. Selalu Up to Date dengan Perkembangan

Market conditions and search engines are constantly changing, so it's important to find good SEO services that are always up to date.

As a top-ranked SEO service provider, our expert team always develops strategies based on the latest developments in search engine algorithms, ensuring your website stays up to date and can keep up with dynamic changes.

4. Menerapkan Strategi White Hat SEO

Dalam praktiknya, terdapat berbagai jenis strategi SEO yang bisa diimplementasikan. Sekawan Studio selalu menerapkan strategi white hat SEO. Strategi ini merupakan strategi paling aman dan bisa memberikan dampak yang bagus bagi the website. Sebagai penyedia layanan SEO bagus di Indonesia kami selalu berupaya untuk menemukan strategi terbaik dan aman tanpa melanggar guideline dari Google.

5. Diterapkan dengan Coding yang Ringan

SEO is not only about the content presented to users but also about the technical issues of the website. Technical issues are important to consider because they relate to User Experience (UX) or the user experience when accessing your site.

Di Sekawan Studio, kami menyediakan jasa SEO profesional yang mencakup jasa optimasi speed website agar situs Anda lebih mudah diakses oleh para pengguna. Hal ini kami wujudkan dengan menerapkan coding yang ringan agar a website Anda memiliki kecepatan akses yang tinggi.

6. Layanan Lengkap

Sekawan Studio provides comprehensive services to help optimize your company's website and blog. We will help create a complete strategy, conduct performance analysis, and report it to you. Furthermore, we also provide affordable keyword research services equipped with systematic content writing services.

7. Tidak Ada Biaya Tambahan

Using SEO services in Indonesia at Sekawan Studio does not incur any additional fees. The fees you have to pay are in accordance with the agreed-upon price with our team. Additional fees will only be charged if you request additional services or features.

No Need to Hesitate, Use Sekawan Studio SEO Services!

Untuk mendapatkan performa a website yang maksimal, Anda jangan sampai salah dalam mencari penyedia jasa SEO bergaransi. Gunakanlah layanan profesional dan terpercaya seperti Sekawan Studio. Anda tak perlu ragu menggunakan jasa dari kami, karena tim kami akan berupaya dengan maksimal untuk membantu pertumbuhan a website Anda.

If you're interested in using Sekawan Studio's SEO services, don't hesitate to contact our team via WhatsApp and discuss all your needs. What are you waiting for? Expand your business reach with the right SEO strategy from Sekawan Studio!

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Cluster Coding Factory, KEK Singhasari, Jl. Raya Klampok, RT.04/RW.04, Pasrepan, Klampok, Kec. Singosari, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65153

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Cluster Coding Factory, KEK Singhasari, Jl. Raya Klampok, RT.04/RW.04, Pasrepan, Klampok, Kec. Singosari, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65153

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