Jasa SEO Tangerang Terbaik.

Increase your website ranking with professional SEO service to reach potential target market. Create optimum website catered to Google algorithm.

Jasa Seo Sekawan Studio

Reach Significant Traffic for Business Website.

Increase Website Visits.

Traffic projection to predict website visit helps SEO strategy planning for the execution to reach target accurately.

Reach Wider Potential Target Market .

Accurate keywords application for website gives opportunity to come up on Google page search and potentially reach wider target market.

Raise Website Ranking.

With SEO strategy optimization, website ranking can be increased organically.

Increase Business Conversion.

Commonly searched keywords by users can increase incoming leads and become business conversion.

SEO Service Pricing.

Paket jasa SEO di Tangerang yang mendukung performa dan menjadikan website Anda lebih unggul.

SEO Services
Traffic Projection
Customer Journey
Competitive Landscape
Keyword Research
Content Strategy & Recommendation
Regular Report & Analysis
Content & Editorial Calendar
Bilingual Website
Content Writing
Word Count & Article
750 & 20
1000 & 20
Page Title
Meta Description
Heading Structure
Search Snippet Enablement
Anchor Text
Content & Editorial Calendar


Suitable for business with fewer website pages.

Rp 5 mio. / month

Development Process

Traffic Projection
Customer Journey
Competitive Landscape
Keyword Research
Content Strategy & Recommendation
Regular Report & Analysis
Content & Editorial Calendar
Bilingual Website


Word Count & Article
750 & 20
1000 & 20
Page Title
Meta Description
Heading Structure
Search Snippet Enablement
Anchor Text
Content & Editorial Calendar

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Suitable for business with a lot of website pages.

Rp 7.5 mio./month

Development Process

Traffic Projection
Customer Journey
Competitive Landscape
Keyword Research
Content Strategy & Recommendation
Regular Report & Analysis
Content & Editorial Calendar
Bilingual Website


Word Count & Article
750 & 20
1000 & 20
Page Title
Meta Description
Heading Structure
Search Snippet Enablement
Anchor Text
Content & Editorial Calendar

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Suitable for business with a lot of page adjustments.

Rp 10 mio. / month

Development Process

Traffic Projection
Customer Journey
Competitive Landscape
Keyword Research
Content Strategy & Recommendation
Regular Report & Analysis
Content & Editorial Calendar
Bilingual Website


Word Count & Article
750 & 20
1000 & 20
Page Title
Meta Description
Heading Structure
Search Snippet Enablement
Anchor Text
Content & Editorial Calendar

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Does the package pricing not meet your business’ needs?

Effective SEO Strategies for Competitive Business Websites.

Aligned with our competence and latest technology, our Studio helps brands to reach impactful business growth.

Our Previous Collaboration with Entrusted Brands.

Sekawan Studio has been trusted by various companies to help their business grow.

Telkom Indonesia
Aumireta Anggun
Logo Pt. Wira Griya
Manajemen Feb - Univertsitas Brawijaya
Ayam Goreng Nelongso
Social Economic Accelerator Lab
Logo Client Adimas
Sekawan Media

Have any questions? Check here.

We’ve collected the frequently asked questions below to help you get the answers you need regarding our service.

Still confused?
Contact us for more information. We are willing to help whatever questions you might have.

The price for SEO service service starts from Rp5.000.000 up to Rp10.000.000 if there are many needs and adjustments.

Waktu berlangganan jasa SEO di Sekawan Studio minimal selama satu tahun.

Additional fees will only be charged if you purchase additional service outside of the initial package.

For SEO service, you need to prepare information regarding your business, such as: profile, products or services, and other supporting information. 

The payment system for the SEO service is via monthly fees with one year minimum subscription.

Article writing is already included in the Lite and Plus package from our SEO service. For those who want to subscribe to our Mini package, there is no article writing service.

Strategi Pemasaran Digital Efektif untuk Tingkatkan Bisnis Online di Tangerang

Tahukah Anda bahwa jasa SEO Tangerang sedang banyak dicari belakangan ini? Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan perkembangan teknologi yang kian meningkat, sehingga strategi pemasaran akan lebih efektif jika dilakukan secara digital.

Banyak pelaku usaha yang mulai berlomba-lomba menghadirkan bisnisnya di internet untuk memaksimalkan pemasaran digital.

Moreover, Tangerang is an industrially significant area for the economic growth of the region. Many large companies operate in the Tangerang area due to its strategic location.

According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in 2021, there were more than 2800 medium to large-scale companies operating in Tangerang Raya (Tangerang City, Tangerang Regency, and South Tangerang City).

Keuntungan Optimasi Website dengan Pendekatan SEO 

Banyaknya industri perusahaan yang ada di Tangerang membuat persaingan bisnis semakin besar. Mayoritas dari mereka memanfaatkan a website sebagai media informasi dan promosi.

Akan tetapi, mempunyai a website saja tidak cukup untuk memaksimalkan pemasaran. Anda harus memastikan bahwa a website tersebut dapat ditemukan dengan mudah melalui mesin pencari.

Itu sebabnya bisnis Anda membutuhkan jasa SEO murah di Tangerang untuk meng-upgrade strategi pemasaran bisnis. Apa saja keuntungan menggunakan jasa SEO di Tangerang untuk pemasaran bisnis? Berikut kami rangkumkan beberapa keuntungannya untuk Anda.

1. Increasing Visibility

Sebagian besar konsumen lokal akan mencari produk atau jasa melalui internet sebelum memutuskan untuk membelinya. Dengan menggunakan jasa SEO terbaik Tangerang pada a website bisnis, calon pelanggan akan lebih mudah menemukan several brands Anda melalui internet. Hal tersebut dapat menguntungkan dua pihak, baik pelaku bisnis maupun pelanggan.

2. Sarana Pemasaran Digital yang Hemat

Menggunakan jasa SEO di Tangerang Selatan dapat menghemat biaya pemasaran Anda daripada menggunakan strategi SEM. Perlu Anda ketahui bahwa SEO dan SEM adalah dua strategi digital marketing yang memanfaatkan mesin pencari, tetapi keduanya memiliki perbedaan pada biaya yang dibutuhkan.

SEM or Search Engine Marketing is a marketing strategy aimed at increasing web visibility through paid advertising, such as Google Ads.

Meanwhile, SEO utilizes content optimization, website structure, and other elements to achieve the same goal. Therefore, SEO is a cost-effective marketing strategy because it does not require advertising costs to appear on the SERP.

3. Enhancing Business Credibility

Implementing SEO on a business website has the potential to make the site appear on the first page of Google search results. Such a high ranking is an indication that your website is secure and trustworthy, leading customers to choose to visit that page. This can also enhance the company's branding in search engines.

4. Meningkatkan Web Traffic

When your website appears on the top page of search results, it has the potential to attract more visitors. This can increase your website traffic, thus also improving the chances of conversion and sales.

Selain beberapa poin di atas, masih banyak lagi keuntungan lain dari penerapan SEO pada a website bisnis Anda. Maka dari itu, untuk mendapatkan manfaat yang maksimal, Anda dapat memilih jasa SEO profesional di Tangerang yang profesional dan terpercaya.

Use Sekawan Studio's SEO Services!

Kami memiliki layanan jasa SEO dan optimasi yang unggul daripada lainnya. Beberapa keunggulan dari jasa SEO di Tangerang adalah sebagai berikut.

1. Teknik White Hat SEO

White Hat SEO is an optimization method that complies with search engine guidelines. Sekawan Studio does not use manipulative tricks for optimization, as it violates guidelines and can have negative impacts on website performance.

We focus on optimizing content quality, website structure, easy navigation, the use of quality backlinks, and optimizing potential keywords for long-term SEO benefits.

2. Sesuai dengan Google Guideline

With extensive knowledge of search engine algorithms that we have, we will optimize according to Google's guidelines.

It's important to note that Google has algorithms that can filter out low-quality websites and excessive optimization to avoid being displayed on the search engine results page.

This could be detrimental to your website. Therefore, choose Sekawan Studio's SEO services to ensure that your website optimization adheres to the rules.

3. Tim Ahli dan Berpengalaman

Sekawan Studio has an expert team in the field of SEO and optimization, making it more effective. Moreover, our SEO services are trusted by many companies.

Hal tersebut dapat menunjukkan bahwa jasa SEO dari Sekawan Studio sudah berpengalaman dalam menangani masalah optimasi a website untuk mendapatkan peringkat di Google.

4. Affordable Prices

Soal harga, Anda tak perlu khawatir. Jasa SEO terpercaya kami menawarkan harga yang cukup terjangkau. Cukup mengeluarkan budget mulai dari 5 juta-an saja, Anda akan mendapatkan paket yang menarik sesuai kebutuhan bisnis.

Sekawan Studio's SEO Service Workflow

If you want to know about the workflow of Sekawan Studio's SEO services, here is an overview of the process.

  • We will first conduct a quick analysis to analyze which parts of the website already meet SEO standards and which need further optimization.
  • Then, an optimization plan will be determined based on the results of this quick analysis.
  • Our SEO will create a roadmap to check the functions and implementation of SEO.
  • We will also perform a website site audit to test performance in more detail. This process is also useful to ensure that the website is of sufficient quality to appear on the search engine results page.
  • After that, we will create an editorial content plan based on potential keywords from your business industry.
  • Our SEO team will start performing on-page SEO activities, including creating quality content, appropriate meta information, descriptive and memorable URLs, and selecting suitable images.
  • We will also ensure the website loading speed and external links are appropriate.
  • After that, we will optimize the website to increase web traffic and the website's ranking on the search engine.
  • Monthly reports will be provided so that you can monitor website development effectively.

Get ready to compete with the many existing digital businesses! You can schedule a free consultation with us to find the most suitable package and offer for your business needs.

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Cluster Coding Factory, KEK Singhasari, Jl. Raya Klampok, RT.04/RW.04, Pasrepan, Klampok, Kec. Singosari, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65153

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Cluster Coding Factory, KEK Singhasari, Jl. Raya Klampok, RT.04/RW.04, Pasrepan, Klampok, Kec. Singosari, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur 65153

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